Dear Lois

An Advice Column Published in Grid Philly by Lois Volta

Publication Lois Volta Publication Lois Volta

Dear Lois, How do you find domestic flow?

Instead of having a “cleaning day,” which sounds a bit like a list of chores, I have what I call a “home day” — a day where I set aside time to take care of the house’s needs.

There is no prescription for what order to do things in, or how to keep the home under control as a whole — everyone lives so differently. Some days I break the house up into sections; other days I stick to one room or project.

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Publication Lois Volta Publication Lois Volta

Dear Lois, What does restoration mean to you?

Before restoring anything, it’s important to examine what can stay as-is and what needs to be repaired, replaced or given a good scrubbing. It’s also important to have a strong end-vision. It takes belief to bring something back to life. To build it up, to improve and strengthen it. If you can’t envision it, how can it come to fruition?

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Publication Lois Volta Publication Lois Volta

Dear Lois, Are the men in our lives actually feminists?

There are times that I struggle being a feminist in the work that I do.

It doesn’t always feel like I am making a difference and men don’t actually want to learn how to clean, cook and give women domestic equality. Many times I feel like a misandrist toward men who aren’t fourth-wave feminists, a movement that began around 2012.

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Publication Lois Volta Publication Lois Volta

Dear Lois, Is housework really morally neutral?

Consider this scenario: a person asks their partner to clean up the laundry in their shared bedroom. In doing this, the bedroom would be tidy. The person who put the request in has done everything to keep the bedroom tidy for themselves, and even goes so far as to be the consistent caretaker and cleaner of the space.

You could understand if there might be some tension here.

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Publication Lois Volta Publication Lois Volta

Dear Lois, Why is it easier to clean when you have people to clean with?

It’s okay for our hands to be held.

Many times when I’m unmotivated to do a project, I know that the main deterrent to getting started is simply that I don’t want to do it alone.

My week is split in two: I have my three teenage children four nights a week and the other three it’s just me. I walk between two different lifestyles as a working single woman and a very busy mother.

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Publication Lois Volta Publication Lois Volta

Dear Lois, How do you keep up with daily priorities and expectations?

When I trained in martial arts, my instructor taught me that “good form will carry me through.” There were times when I felt so tired that I became sloppy and let my guard down, which would get me punched in the face. I learned that when I became more technical and understood the movement, I was aware of the need to keep my hands up and have good form. Poor form wastes energy and leads to unfavorable results. To have good form you must engage all of your senses. For instance, when you are washing the dishes you can be aware of:

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Publication Lois Volta Publication Lois Volta

Dear Lois, What are your thoughts about teaching kids how to clean?

By the time our kids move out of the house they should know how to tidy, clean, do their laundry and navigate a kitchen.

I consider this baseline behavior for an able-bodied adult human being. As we watch our children grow, we learn how difficult it can be to teach them these skills. We also have our own set of struggles with domesticity, which makes this a tricky subject for parents to navigate. It’s almost as if we forget that the real work is to raise healthy, functioning, emotionally intelligent human beings whose internal compass points toward love.

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Publication Lois Volta Publication Lois Volta

Dear Lois, How do I listen to my inner voice?

Violence causes so much turmoil on our planet. People in powerful places enable corporate plundering, war, greed and exploitation—and we are all caught up in the mess.

We buy things online and shop at chain stores. It’s impossible to adhere to a moral code with every purchase.

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